What is anxiety and How to treat it?

As per the reports of WHO, 1in 13 globally suffers from Anxiety. Anxiety is a state of apprehension, fear, and worry. It is considered to be normal when the body gives fight or flight response when someone feels threatened, under pressure, or are facing a challenging situation. They pose a problem when unnecessary worries start interfering with the activities of everyday life.

Anxiety disorders vary from person to person as one individual may suffer from intense anxiety attacks, while others might face Anxiety from the thought of mingling with others. When you are anxious, it is difficult for you to lead a life as others do, and it is essential to know that you are not alone. Anxiety disorders are mostly mental health-related issues and do have treatment. One can get anxiety treatment as there is a social anxiety treatment center available in San Jose. Once you understand anxiety symptoms, you can get the right treatment and regain control over your life.

Signs and symptoms

Other symptoms of Anxiety, along with unnecessary fear or worry, include:

  • Feeling tense and jumpy
  • Feeling Irritable
  • The mind is going blank
  • Trouble Concentrating


It is a saying that "Every Problem has a Solution," and so is applicable in the case of Anxiety. Here are some remedies so that one can combat Anxiety to a great extent:

Move your Body: Physical exercises are good for your overall well being. Shoot for a 3 to 5 30 minute workout session. The session should be such that you enjoy it.

Sleep:  Watch your sleeping patterns. Doctors recommend a person 8 hours of night shut-eye at night if you are unable to catch sleep due to Anxiety set your routine in such a way that you sleep.

Schedule "worry time": Doctors recommend you to have a 30 minutes worry session with yourself thinking about your worries and what can be done about it. Focus on what is bothering you.

All in all, Anxiety is a common problem, but if the symptoms are identified earlier, then the cure to this problem is possible.


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