Struggling With Stage Fright? Deal with Stage Fright Anxiety in 5 Different Ways

Do you start palpitating profusely the moment you step on to the stage? Have there been instances where you have gone all mum in front of people? Did your heart start to beat so hard that you thought it would come out of your chest? If the answer to all these questions is yes or maybe, there are chances that you might suffer from stage fright anxiety. There is nothing to be worried about especially when the world is rapidly progressing with stage fright anxiety treatment. People are figuring out numerous ways to overcome their fear of getting on stage and they are proving to be quite beneficial as well. Check them out. Maybe they help you to finally blurt that speech out that you have been preparing for a while now.

  • Tough love is all you need
Get your head in the right place and come to terms with the bitter fact that everything ain’t about you. Instead of focusing on how you feel, you should pay more attention to your audience. Stop thinking for a while how you might appear in front of the audience, instead focus on interacting with them in an impressive manner.

·         Affirmations can make you go a long way
Turn all the positive thoughts that have been invading your mind into the positive ones. It has been proved from a research that affirmations and positive things can flip your pessimism into optimism in a jiffy. You must know the saying “you become what you eat”. In the same way your mind becomes what you feed it. So for the next time remember to feed your brain with all the positive and good thoughts. The anxiety treatment services all around the world recommend this method as the most powerful one.

  • Greet your audience and smile
As soon as you step up on the stage, the first thing should be looking into the eyes of your audience and to smile. This would create a sense of familiarity and belonging. And as soon as they smile back you would know that they are keenly interested in listening to you as much as you are in talking to them.

  • Visualize a positive outcome
Before going on the stage you should make sure that you think of all the good things that can happen to you after you get off the stage. Think about how you can get applauded and appreciated for the speech you delivered or the song you sung. Avoid thinking about how they would throw tomatoes at you after your performance.

  • Practice ways to calm and relax your mind and body
Try breathing exercises or meditation to loosen up your mind. Deep breathing is actually an effective way to get rid off all the negative thoughts that sprout up in your mind before the performance. Listening to meditative music can help you relax your mind.

If these steps don’t work out for you, you must opt for stage fright anxiety treatment as quickly as possible if you wish to get rid of the negative thoughts.


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